
Friday, September 18, 2015

Kindle Kandy

Kindle Kandy is a Friday weekly bookish feature hosted by The Book Dame. We scan our shelves and eReaders to rediscover books that we own but have not read, to this point little more than shelf or Kindle Kandy.

Captive In The Dark by C.J. Roberts

Caleb is a man with a singular interest in revenge. Kidnapped as a young boy and sold into slavery by a power-hungry mobster, he has thought of nothing but vengeance. For twelve years he has immersed himself in the world of pleasure slaves searching for the one man he holds ultimately responsible. Finally, the architect of his suffering has emerged with a new identity, but not a new nature. If Caleb is to get close enough to strike, he must become the very thing he abhors and kidnap a beautiful girl to train her to be all that he once was.

Eighteen-year-old Olivia Ruiz has just woken up in a strange place. Blindfolded and bound, there is only a calm male voice to welcome her. His name is Caleb, though he demands to be called Master. Olivia is young, beautiful, naïve and willful to a fault. She has a dark sensuality that cannot be hidden or denied, though she tries to accomplish both. Although she is frightened by the strong, sadistic, and arrogant man who holds her prisoner, what keeps Olivia awake in the dark is her unwelcome attraction to him.

WARNING: This book contains very disturbing situations, dubious consent, strong language, and graphic violence.

I've heard amazing things about this dark and twisted tale. I'm reading one in the genre now, so I'll need a break before I can continue, but I'm looking forward to it!

Sincerely, Carter by Whitney Gracia Williams 

Just friends.
We’re just friends.
No, really. She’s just my best friend... 

Arizona Turner has been my best friend since fourth grade, even when we “hated” each other. We’ve been there for one another through first kisses, first “times,” and we’ve been each other’s constant when good relationships turned bad. (We even went to colleges that were minutes away from each other…)

Throughout the years, and despite what anyone says, we’ve never crossed the line.

Never thought about it.
Never wanted to.

Until one night changed everything.
At least, it 
should’ve ...

Just friends.
We’re just friends.
I’m only saying this until I figure out if she’s still “just” my best friend…

*swoons* Nothing gets me like a friends to lovers romance!

Fire in the Woods by Jennifer M. Eaton

When a plane crashes in the woods near Jess’s home, the boy of her dreams falls out of the sky—literally. 

But David’s not here to find a girlfriend. He’s from another planet, and if Jess can’t help him get back to his ship, he’ll be stuck on Earth with nothing to look forward to but the pointy end of a dissection scalpel. But her father runs their house like an army barracks. and with an alien on the loose, Major Dad isn’t too keen on the idea of Jess going anywhere. 


So how the heck is she supposed to help the sweetest, strangest, and cutest guy she’s ever met? Hiding him in her room probably isn’t the best idea. Especially since her Dad is in charge of the squadron searching for David. 

That doesn’t mean she won’t do it. 

It just means she can't get caught. Helping David get home while protecting her heart—that’s gonna be the hard part. 

After all, she can't really fall for a guy whose not exactly from here. As they race through the woods with Major Dad and most of the U.S. military one breath behind them, Jess and David grow closer than either of them anticipated. But all is not what it seems. David has a genocide-sized secret, and one betrayal later, they are both in handcuffs as alien warships are positioning themselves around the globe. Time is ticking down to Armageddon, and Jess must think fast if she's to save the boy she cares about without sacrificing Earth—and everyone on it. 

FIRE IN THE WOODS is Star-Crossed meets Close Encounters of the Third Kind!

This sounds like a weird YA book, but enjoyable nonetheless. 

Vanguard by C.J. Markusfeld

Sophie Swenda, a refugee aid expert, is accustomed to saving lives on a grand scale. It becomes more than a job when the person she needs to save is the man she loves. 

Michael Nariovsky-Trent, a Baltic-born American doctor, vanished months ago after joining the resistance in the Soviet Republic. Sophie believes he's trapped inside the fences and barbed wire of a sinister refugee camp, lost in a sea of freezing, starving prisoners of war. 

Despite her long-ago failed romance with Michael, Sophie’s always believed their time would come – no matter how unlikely it seems to everyone around them. His blazing temper, her obstinacy, and their shared brilliance and competitiveness have made the road to love a rocky one. More than a decade after they separated, they’re too stubborn to forgive past mistakes … and still too in love to move on. 

She embarks on a mission like no other before. Unless Sophie can find him, their long-delayed chance at love will be lost forever. With the world’s security forces deadlocked and the camp’s commander seeking vengeance, Sophie is on her own. She must bargain for the life of the man she loves – and everyone else in the camp – before the commander destroys them all.

I've heard mixed reviews on this one, but it sounds interesting!


  1. YES! Best friends to lovers is one of my very favorite types of romances, topped only by enemies to lovers. I can't get enough of an antagonistic relationship:) Definitely going to check out Sincerely, Carter!

  2. I could totally do this meme! I have a ton of books I need to get to and take it off the candy shelf. :) Hm... curious about a few you have listed here. I also love the friends to lovers vibe. :D

  3. I have Vanguard and Sincerely, Carter on my Kindle, too! I'm curious about them both, but not enough to push them to the top of my list right now. I hope they're good!

  4. Sincerely, Carter sounds really good. I do like a nice friends to lovers story - probably because I've crushed on a fair few friends in my life. haha

  5. are tempting me to add to my own tbr pile. I love the sound of the first 2 books. ...the synopsis about we are just friends made me giggle and I hope the book is like that.

  6. Hmm... I like this meme! If I didn't have a Friday thing I would do this!
