
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Finished Series I've Yet To Finish

Hey, ladies!

It's once again time for The Broke and The Bookish's weekly meme Top Ten Tuesday. This week's topic is Top Ten Finished Series You've Yet To Finish.

Not all of these are finished series, but I've yet to finish them either way! ;) I do intend to finish most of these.

In no real order:

10. Black Dagger Brotherhood Series by J.R. Ward
I've only read book 3, despite having 6 others on my physical TBR shelf. I loved the one I read (total guilty pleasure), but it's so hard for me to pick up a 3rd person POV book.

9. Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning
One of my all time favorite series, though I've only read books 1-5. I can't stand Dani, so the series ended for me after Shadowfever.

8. Charley Davidson Series by Darynda Jones
I'm so behind on Charley's series. Only read books 1-4. She can be so annoying to me in large doses, though I do enjoy the books. 

7. Addicted Series by Krista and Becca Ritchie
I've only read Addicted to You and Addicted for Now, and they are fan-freaking-tastic. However, they're extremely angsty (with good reason, not like most senselessly moody new adult novels) and I have to be in the mood for them. The Ritchie twins are some of my favorite authors. 

6. Fifty Shades of Grey Series by E.L. James
Read 50 Shades of Grey and 50 Shades Darker. Have absolutely no desire to read Freed or Grey. No thank you, train wreck. 

5. Vampire Academy Series by Richelle Mead 
Never got around to finishing the last book. May or may not pick it back up.

4. Unbound Trilogy by Rachel Vincent
Read and enjoyed the first one, have the next two sitting on my shelf to get to. 

3. Darklight Trilogy by Darynda Jones
Read and mostly liked the first one, have the next two to read. 

2. Starcrossed Duology by Leisa Rayven
Barely finished the first one....have the second, might not get to it. 

1. Hopeless Series by Colleen Hoover
Only read Hopeless and it's been the only CoHo book I didn't enjoy. Never got around to Finding Cinderella or Losing Hope. Might get to them, since I have both. We'll see. 

- The Bibliophile Babe


  1. I've abandoned the BDB books, despite LOVING the first 5 (and John Matthew's book - 8 maybe?). They just started to have too many POVs outside of the main couple and I stopped caring. Fail. I also didn't finish the Fever series (though I loved Iced more than I ever thought I would because I wasn't sure about Dani either), but the events of Burned as I heard from other people pissed me off and I can't bring myself to read it!

  2. I think Losing Hope is a lot better than Hopeless. I hope you give it a try. :) BDB makes my list. I hope to eventually get around to finishing that series.

  3. I read like 7 of the BDB books and I liked them but they started to wear me out. I just bought Losing Hope earlier this year and plan to read it soon.

  4. "No thank you, train wreck" LOL - agreed. My TTT

  5. I lol'ed, 4 of these are series that I need to read the rest of as well :P One day!!

  6. BDB is on my wishlist. Lol. Yikes I devour the Charley Davidson series as soon as I can get my fingers on a copy.

  7. I've been recommended the Black Dagger Brotherhood and I want to read the Vampire Academy. I love vampire books, but I still haven't been able to bring myself to start either series. I think the problem is that, while I LOVE series, I'm kind of leery of any longer than five books. I should make it my goal to at least start them before the year ends lol. Here's my TTT!

  8. I love the Vampire Academy series. Some of my coworkers have told me that the Charley Davidson series is fantastic and I even bought the first book on Kindle but I still haven't started it yet. I didn't realize the series was finished. I also have the first book in the Fever series but haven't read it yet either. I'll have to fix that!
