
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Authors I'd LOVE To See Colaborate

Hey, everyone!

It's time for The Broke and The Bookish's Top Ten Tuesday! This week's theme is Top Ten Author Duos You'd LOVE To See Write a Book Together. I think collaborations are the biggest hit or miss things authors can do. They're either blow me away fantastic, or "oh god, what a train wreck". I'm so curious to see everyone's pairings!

I've doubled up on a few of these authors because I couldn't pick which I'd want more! Edit: my computer is acting up, so I had to hurry and finish this post.

9. L.H. Cosway and Colleen Hoover 

L.H. Cosway: Six of Hearts, Hearts of Fire, King of Hearts, Painted Faces, The Hooker and The Hermit (with Penny Reid), and more

Colleen Hoover: Confess, Slammed, Hopeless, Ugly Love, Never Never (with Tarryn Fisher), Maybe Someday, and more

Two of my favorite authors! Colleen Hoover and L.H. Cosway both have  additive writing styles, with vivid and relatable characters. Cosway would bring the swooning feels and some truly phenomenal men, while Hoover would handle the roller coaster of emotions and some form of incredible artistic talent.

8. Jessica Shirvington and Courtney Cole

Jessica Shirvington: The Violet Eden/Embrace series, One Past Midnight, and more

Courtney Cole: The Nocte trilogy, If You Stay, and more

These two aren't very similar (at all), but I can't help thinking they'd make a fantastic mashup! Shirvington's stories suck you in right off the bat and features some of the best YA romance I've ever had the pleasure of reading. Cole's books, while they take a bit longer to really get into, are obsessive and twisty, with fantastic character development and plenty of depth. I think they'd compliment each other perfectly.

7. Shayla Black and Sierra Simone

Shalya Black: Wicked Lovers series and more

Sierra Simone: Priest and the Markham Hall series
This would be the most smut-tacular thing ever. They both write some of the best filthy book porn I've read, and Black crafts so much more than just kinky fuckery for her stories. Simone is fantastic at a male POV, and her smut scenes....damn. 

6. Jeaniene Frost and Ilona Andrews

Jeaniene Frost: Night Huntress and Night Huntress World series,  Night Prince series, and more

Ilona Andrews: Kate Daniels series, The Edge series, and more

I think I would explode if this ever happened. It'd be incredible, just incredible!
Both are crack-like addictive (Andrews' stories taking longer to get into than Frost's), both write the most delicious alpha males (Bones...Curran....yum.), and both know how to make a kick ass heroine and fantastic side characters.

Between Frost's swoon worthy romance, humor, and to die for (see what I did there?) love scenes, and Andrews' world building and action, I think this pair would blow the PRA/UF community to pieces.

5. Krista and Becca Ritchie and Mia Sheridan

Krista and Becca Ritchie: The Addicted series, Calloway Sister series, and Amour Amour

Mia Sheridan: Archer's Voice (read it!!), Becoming Calder, Kyland, Leo, Stinger, Grayson's Vow, and more

They have a similar tone and they can all do both serious, heart breaking emotion and laugh out loud humor. It's a match made in heaven!

4. Rachel Vincent and Jeaniene Frost

Rachel Vincent: Soul Screamers series, Shifters series, The Stars Never Rise, and more

Jeaniene Frost: See #6

 This one, #6, #2 and #1 all vied for my "oh my god that's what I'd kill for" spot! Vincent is my favorite YA/NA paranormal writer, and her witty and page-turning action would blend perfectly with Frost's.

3. Alice Clayton and Janet Evanovich

Alice Clayton: Cocktail series, Redhead series and Nuts

Janet Evanovich: Stephanie Plum series and lots more

I've gotten beyond sick of the Stephanie Plum series (chose Ranger, stop forgetting your gun, and quit being lazy!), but I have to admit the early books were hilarious. Alice Clayton's romance and tears-inducing humor would mix perfectly with Evanovich's quirky humor and light hearted action. 

2. K.A. Tucker and Colleen Hoover

K.A. Tucker: Ten Tiny Breaths, Five Ways to Fall, Chasing River, Burying Water, and more

Colleen Hoover: See #9

I don't even think I need to explain this one! It's freakin' perfect. That is all.

1. Karina Halle and L.H. Cosway

Karina Halle: The Experiment in Terror series, Racing The Sun, Love in English, Sins and Needles trilogy, Dirty Angels trilogy, The Pact, The Offer, and more

L.H. Cosway: See #9

I'd give my left boob to see my two favorite authors team up!!! I can't even describe how amazing that would be. I'd have to find a way to bring to life whatever hero they created. <3

Which authors would you love to see write a book together?

- The Bibliophile Babe 


  1. Great pairings! I just downloaded Nocte this morning...sounds really good!

  2. "I think I would explode if this ever happened."

    ME TOO!!! Can you imagine what Jeaniene Frost and Ilona Andrews could come up with together? I would do a spastic happy flail the likes of which the world has never seen before:) Ditto for if Jeaniene were paired with Rachel Vincent:)

  3. Thanks for sharing! This is such a fun topic. I need to read some of these authors for sure!


  4. Love the topic! I think Jeaniene Frost and Ilona Andrews would be an awesome combo. Great pick! :D

  5. A Frost - Andrews would be nice collab!

  6. Great combinations!
    I would be interested in the Clayton/Evanovich pairing! i can see that!
    By the way? So with you on Ranger. How can you not just pick that guy? Why? WHY?
    Great list! :)

  7. Vincent/Frost needs to happen! SERIOUSLY.

    My TTT

  8. I love all of your match if only some of these really happen!! Bookish orgasms to be sure!

  9. These are all great match-ups! My personal favorite would have to be K.A. Tucker and Colleen Hoover -- that would be one amazing make-me-flail-like-a-teeny-bopper book!!
