
Thursday, April 21, 2016

TBR Thursday

Kimberly @ Kimberlyfaye Reads started a new weekly feature that I'm excited to join in! This feature is to showcase what's on your to be read shelf (or eReader, or Audible library) and see what others think of it. Have you read it? Should I read it or put it back on the shelf? It's a way to dust off the books on your self and decide if they're worth reading!

Last Sacrifice (Vampire Academy, #6) by Richelle Mead

They come first.

My vision was growing dimmer, the blackness and ghosts closing in. I swore it was like I could hear Robert whispering in my ear: The world of the dead won't give you up a second time. Just before the light completely vanished, I saw Dimitri's face join Lissa's. I wanted to smile. I decided then that if the two people I loved most were safe, I could leave this world.

The dead could finally have me.

Rose Hathaway has always played by her own rules. She broke the law when she ran away from St. Vladimir's Academy with her best friend and last surviving Dragomir princess, Lissa. She broke the law when she fell in love with her gorgeous, off-limits instructor, Dimitri. And she dared to defy Queen Tatiana, leader of the Moroi world, risking her life and reputation to protect generations of dhampir guardians to come.

Now the law has finally caught up with Rose - for a crime she didn't even commit. She's in prison for the highest offense imaginable: the assassination of a monarch. She'll need help from both Dimitri and Adrian to find the one living person who can stall her execution and force the Moroi elite to acknowledge a shocking new candidate for the royal throne: Vasilisa Dragomir.

But the clock on Rose's life is running out. Rose knows in her heart the world of the dead wants her back...and this time she is truly out of second chances. The big question is, when your whole life is about saving others, who will save you?

Join Rose, Dimitri, Adrian, and Lissa in Last Sacrifice, the epic, unforgettable finale to Richelle Mead's international #1 bestselling Vampire Academy series.

I read the other books in this series a couple years ago, and I'm not sure why I never finished. I found the series enjoyable, especially for YA, so I'm curious about this. Only reason I'm hesitating to pick it up is I have no freaking clue where we left off. Oops!


  1. Oh cool. An oldie but a goodie. :) I hope you'll enjoy!

  2. Hope you love it :) I haven't read this series!

  3. Heh. Maybe it will all come back to you once you start reading! I loved this series, it was my first YA series after Twilight:) I wish the movie had been better though, I remember dreaming of seeing Rose and Dimitri on the big screen and then when they were there it was appallingly bad. *sobs*

  4. Maybe just read the last few chapters of the book before it? I usually do that when a new Crossfire book came out - because I could never remember anything!
    I read the first book in this series, but never finished it. I remember liking it, I just don't like getting sucked into long series - too much time commitment! But if you've read that far into it, I say finish!

  5. Sometimes it is so hard to pick up a book in a series after so long. There is a website that has like full recaps with spoilers on books. Maybe try that so you can catch up on the last one before starting this??

  6. I never read any of these, but I have heard they are enjoyable!

  7. Oh no, maybe just skim the previous book. There are a couple of series I'm putting off because it has been so long since I read the previous book. Hope you can get back into it.

  8. Hmm, this is another series I want to start. I am working my way through a back log.
