
Sunday, April 24, 2016

The Sunday Post/It's Monday, What Are You Reading

Hey, everyone!

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. It's Monday, What Are You Reading is a fun weekly meme hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date where we share what we've read and reviewed over the past week and what we plan to read next. 

A laid back week with work, but kinda stressful overall! I was sick Monday and Tuesday, still dealing with the broken tooth with my dog (her normal vet wasn't available to do the removal until tomorrow, so that will happen then), which has spiked my anxiety, and some relatives have invited themselves over. They arrive tomorrow and leave Friday and I cannot stand them. At least they're not staying in the house...
Oh well, though. It'll be okay!

I do so love how Outlander is new every Saturday.... #SoDelicious #ButIMissTheKilts

Steps this week:

Sunday - 13,059
Monday - 11,657
Tuesday - 10,000
Wednesday - 11,464
Thursday - 15,322
Friday - 18,161
Saturday - 12,190

Total - 91,853

This Week's Recap

Coming Up*

{Mini Review} Stuck Up Suit by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Bookworm Delights

Waiting on Wednesday 

TBR Thursday 

Cover Lust, No. 22
*as always, subject to change!

Read This Week

Only one this week! I'm a bit ADD with what I'm reading lately. :p

Currently Reading

Funny and sweet!
Audiobook. I much prefer David over Jimmy!
Slooooowwwly starting this.

What Will I Read Next?

That I don't know! Wait, yes I do!


  1. Sorry about being sick, the dogs tooth and visitors. Yay Outlander!! I so need to read that first book and get onto the show. It is something I just need to finally do! Have a great week!

  2. Sorry to hear last week was stressful. I was sick last week too.:( Sorry to hear about your dog :( and sorry about the relatives LOL but girl you got a VA Academy book! So it is al good! This week WILL BE better :)

  3. I'm currently two books behind Ms. Chase's series. Bah.

    Happy reading!

  4. Being sick sucks, I hope you're feeling much better! We dealt with that at the end of the week, my daughter ended up with strep, ugh! I'm sorry about your dog and hopefully after tomorrow she's doing better!

  5. Glad you're not sick anymore, and I hope your doggy gets his tooth all fixed tomorrow. That's no fun!!! Hopefully the relatives won't be too bad. But yeah, at least they aren't saying IN your house.

  6. Bummer you have been sick. I want to read both the Scott books and picked up Sidebarred too! Have an awesome week!!

  7. Sorry you have been sick and about your unexpected guests. :( I hope you enjoy all your new books.
    Happy Reading! Dani @ Paulette’s Papers

  8. Sorry you've been sick and on top of that had problems with your dog AND visiting relatives. Ugh! I hope their visit passes quickly and you get some time to yourself and recover!
