
Thursday, March 16, 2017

TBR Thursday

Kimberly @ Kimberlyfaye Reads started a new weekly feature that I'm excited to join in! This feature is to showcase what's on your to be read shelf (or eReader, or Audible library) and see what others think of it. Have you read it? Should I read it or put it back on the shelf? It's a way to dust off the books on your self and decide if they're worth reading!

Enigmatic and sexy, Professor Gabriel Emerson is a well respected Dante specialist by day, but by night he devotes himself to an uninhibited life of pleasure. He uses his notorious good looks and sophisticated charm to gratify his every whim, but is secretly tortured by his dark past and consumed by the profound belief that he is beyond all hope of redemption.

When the sweet and innocent Julia Mitchell enrolls as his graduate student, his attraction and mysterious connection to her not only jeopardizes his career, but sends him on a journey in which his past and his present collide.

An intriguing and sinful exploration of seduction, forbidden love and redemption, "Gabriel's Inferno" is a captivating and wildly passionate tale of one man's escape from his own personal hell as he tries to earn the impossible...forgiveness and love

This has been on my TBR for ages, and judging by the reviews, people either absolutely adore it, or passionately hate it. Should I try it out? Any of you ladies know how the audio is if so?


  1. This is probably my favorite series. But his writing is not for everyone. Based on what I've seen of books you enjoy, I don't think you'd like this one very much.

  2. I would love to have you read it just to see which camp you fall into :)

  3. I actually bought this one not too long back but haven't read it yet

  4. I haven't heard of this book, but the synopsis sounds interesting, so you should give it a shot :) Hope you enjoy it!

    Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

  5. I read this when it was a Twilight fanfic. Loved it then. :D

  6. Hmm, never heard of it. I am off to check the narrator.
