
Monday, July 13, 2015

A Little Of This and That

Hey, guys!

Today's post will just be a quick little chatty thing; I'm in the middle of a few great books, so I don't have any reviews for you until probably...Wednesday. Maybe. I hope.

Last week was absolutely killer with work, so it was the best relief to spend yesterday afternoon at the beach. The water was gorgeous, albeit a bit rough (well...rough is a relative term. The gulf being rough is calm for most everywhere else), and the perfect antidote to the nearly 110 degree heat index.

I have a newborn photo shoot to do today, and I can't wait to test out my new backdrops and swanky lightning!
My order from Book Outlet and possibly Thriftbooks should be here today, too, so hopefully I'll have a little haul to show you tomorrow.

I love bargain hunting, and yesterday I might've just had the best deal of my life. 15lbs of top notch grain free dog food (Acana Grasslands if you're curious) that normally goes for around $48, and I paid....drumroll please....$0.98! There was an amazing deal at, and I was ecstatic to get it. My dogs are small, and that was easily 4-5 weeks worth of food for everyone.

One of the little trouble makers that will be enjoying that deal!

I occasionally go through phases where I watch various tv shows, and that's happening right now. I've gotten a bit sucked into The Vampire Diaries ( see what I did there?). I know, I know: total guilty pleasure. I haven't been watching religiously or anything, and I haven't seen all of them. Just enough to get a good idea. I hate love triangles, and I can't stand Damon. Team Stelena all the way. I don't know, there's just something about the actor that plays Damon that I cannot stand. He makes me angry every time he's in a scene.

I think I need another bookshelf again. There's four floating shelves that wrap around three walls in my bedroom, plus a normal bookcase, and they're bursting at the seams. I need to badger my dad into making me more!

What's been going on with you all?

- The Bibliophile Babe


  1. I used to love Vampire Diaries, but fell out of watching it after a few seasons. TV started getting too much in the way of reading time. :)

    Your beach picture is making me jealous. Our weather in Ohio has been less than desirable lately and I'm craving some sunshine!

    I hope you have a great week!

  2. Ooh! Thanks for the coupaw website! I just subscribed. GASP... I can't believe you don't like Damon!! :P If you are just starting out with the show, I can tell you he gets better. I don't really like Elena that much, I always said I could watch a show with just the Salvatore brothers. LOL

  3. I'll take Damon for you. :D LOL

    Great buy on pup food! Mine aren't small but that is an amazing deal!

    Hope your week goes well!

  4. oh gosh, I want to head back to the ocean. I was there a couple of weeks ago. It was cold. You need more bookshelves, or it is time to clean out a few and donate them to the library, that's what I do.

  5. Your beach photo is gorgeous. I love waves, nothing more fun than body boarding in on them! Of course reading by the beach is second to that too!
