
Wednesday, September 30, 2015


W… W… W… Wednesday, hosted by Taking on a World of Worldsis a weekly meme showcasing what you just finished reading, what you are currently reading, and what you plan to start reading next.

What Did You Recently Finish?

The night is not safe for mortals.

Denise MacGregor knows all too well what lurks in the shadows – her best friend is half-vampire Cat Crawfield – and she has already lost more than the average human could bear. But her family’s dark past is wrapped in secrets and shrouded in darkness – and a demon shapeshifter has marked Denise as prey. Now her survival depends on an immortal who craves a taste of her.

He is Spade, a powerful, mysterious vampire who has walked the earth for centuries and is now duty-bound to protect this endangered, alluring human – even if it means destroying his own kind. Denise may arouse his deepest hungers, but Spade knows he must fight his urge to have her as they face the demon nightmare together…

Because once the first drop of crimson falls, they will both be lost.

3 stars for me. A enjoyable romance with Frost's trademark addictive pace, but I wasn't wowed by it. Denise has never been my favorite character, and she wasn't strong enough to be a main character in my opinion. However, it did give me a fantastic does of Ian! You've gotta love that cocky, egotistical man. 

What Are You Currently Reading?

Mercenary Kate Daniels narrates a surprising trip with her bite-me humor. The pack of her mate Curran, werelion Beast Lord, need rare medicine from Europe to save children who die from stuck shapeshifting. Europe offers them barrels of the drug if they guard a spoiled princess. Knowing the invite is a trap, of course they sail right in.

This series gets better and better! Each book I read becomes my favorite, until I move to the next one. It's addictive!

One-night stands are supposed to be with someone convenient, or wickedly persuasive, or regrettable. They aren’t supposed to be with someone like him.

But after a crazy Vegas weekend celebrating her college graduation—and terrified of the future path she knows is a cop-out—Mia Holland makes the wildest decision of her life: follow Ansel Guillaume—her sweet, filthy fling—to France for the summer and just…play.

When feelings begin to develop behind the provocative roles they take on, and their temporary masquerade adventures begin to feel real, Mia will have to decide if she belongs in the life she left because it was all wrong, or in the strange new one that seems worlds away.

I'm listening to this one, and just started. I like it so far! The way the narrator does an...interesting job of Ansel's French accent. And by interesting, it's downright creepy. Like, I'm picturing some sleazy man stroking a handlebar mustache. Not sure why. 

What Will You Read Next?

From New York Times bestselling author Rachel Vincent comes a richly imagined, provocative new series set in the dark mythology of the Menagerie…

When Delilah Marlow visits a famous traveling carnival, Metzger's Menagerie, she is an ordinary woman in a not-quite-ordinary world. But under the macabre circus black-top, she discovers a fierce, sharp-clawed creature lurking just beneath her human veneer. Captured and put on exhibition, Delilah in her black swan burlesque costume is stripped of her worldly possessions, including her own name, as she's forced to "perform" in town after town.

But there is breathtaking beauty behind the seamy and grotesque reality of the carnival. Gallagher, her handler, is as kind as he is cryptic and strong. The other "attractions"—mermaids, minotaurs, gryphons and kelpies—are strange, yes, but they share a bond forged by the brutal realities of captivity. And as Delilah struggles for her freedom, and for her fellow menagerie, she'll discover a strength and a purpose she never knew existed.

Renowned author Rachel Vincent weaves an intoxicating blend of carnival magic and startling humanity in this intricately woven and powerful tale.

- The Bibliophile Babe

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten "If You Like This, Try This"

Hey, everyone!

It's time for The Broke and The Bookish's Top Ten Tuesday! This week's theme is Top Ten Books to Read If You Liked (Insert Popular Book or Author). Fun topic!

This week's topic has made it painfully clear that I don't read a lot of super popular books!

My Top Ten  Eight 

8. If You Liked....

Wallbanger by Alice Clayton
You Should Try....

The Hooker and The Hermit by L.H. Cosway and Penny Reid
(my review!)

Both of these books are laugh out loud funny with realistic, relatable characters, hot sex, banter that just won't quit, and some seriously swoon-worthy men! Low angst romances that practically turn their own pages.


7. If You Liked....

The Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead


The Soul Screamers series by Rachel Vincent 

I'm not the biggest fan of Vampire Academy, but I have to give it props for being a more interesting take on your typical YA vampire romance and kickass heroine. Oh yeah, and I can't help but fawn over Dimitri...
Soul Screamers is an unusual YA paranormal romance, as it deals with banshees and demons, which I personally haven't read in that genre before! There's fantastic character development (the heroine is nearly unrecognizable from the first book to the last, in a good way), a decent network of secondary characters, some nail biting action, and a fantastic romance.

Fair warning: there is a bit of a love triangle, but it's one of the best I've read. That's coming from the hater of all things love triangle. The initial romance never felt solid to me, and the connection between the eventual couple was so staggering that I didn't mind it at all. I was happy, to be honest!

6. If You Liked....

The Never Never novella trilogy by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher


The Nocte trilogy by Courtney Cole

Both of these have been some of my favorites for 2015, and with good reason! Complete and utter mindfucks, I tell you. 
I read them, and I don't have a clue where it's going; my thoughts get jumbled and I'm grasping at every straw to try and explain the beautiful, tangled webs the authors wove. Nocte is admittedly a lot more twisty what-in-the-hell-IS-this, but it is a full length series vs the novellas.

The third and final books for each series will be out this year and early next (Oct. 28th for the final Nocte and Jan. 26th for Never Never). 

5. If You Liked...

The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey 


Reboot by Amy Tintera 

Reboot shares the sci-fi and dystopian theme of Reboot, without the 10+ POVs and general cluttered plot. It focuses more on genetic aspects and experimentations, with a cold and calculating heroine that grows on you throughout the book. It's an intriguing perspective on humanity without enough action and "oh my god, did that just happen?!" moments to keep you on your toes. 

Who else is curious to see The 5th Wave movie in January? I'm not sure what I think about the trailer. 

4. If You Liked...

Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James

What to read next is the least of your concerns.

Just kidding. Mostly. 


Wicked Ties by Shayla Black

If you're like me and were severely underwhelmed (and embarrassed to have read) 50 Shades, check out Wicked Ties. Holy fuck, now that's how you do BDSM romance. Suspense, action, romance, and some serious debauchery stretched over the course of three days, and it's a shockingly good love story. So damn filthy and delicious. 

3. If You Liked..

Slammed by Colleen Hoover


Loving Mr. Daniels by Brittainy C. Cherry 

I wasn't the biggest fan of Loving Mr. Daniels, but I'm definitely in the minority there. Same forbidden-yet-sweet student teacher romance, well written and engaging. I prefer Slammed, though!

2. If You Liked...

Confess by Colleen Hoover


Racing The Sun by Karina Halle
(my review)

Two of my favorite authors, though I think Karina Halle is the more talented of the two. While these novels aren't too similar as far as plots go, the overall tones complement each other quite well. 

1. If You Liked...

The Fever series by Karen Marie Moning


The Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews 

The Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost 

Both have similar aspects to the Fever series, and you almost have to read both series to get the overall comparison to Fever. Cat is closer to Mac in terms of personality, while Kate's world has more of the world building of the Fever series. Plus, you could have Barrons, Curran and Bones, and who could pass up that?

- The Bibliophile Babe

Monday, September 28, 2015

Book Haul!

Hey, everyone!

I haven't done a book haul in a while, and what with being on a book budget and only buying books with what's left over from my "dog budget" (it makes more sense in my head...), it's not as spectacular as previous book hauls. I've been buying more ebooks since they're usually cheaper, plus the instant gratification is nice! ;)

Audible had a sale on some romance books, so I snagged a few of those!


I've read (and enjoyed!) both this book and the below, but they're on Audible for $1.99 and you couldn't beat that! This is one of my favorite series, and I highly suggest snagging them. The narrators are good, too!

Physical Books

Found these at the thrift store yesterday!

These are from Alibris.


- The Bibliophile Babe

Sunday, September 27, 2015

The Sunday Post/It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

Hey, ladies!

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. It's Monday, What Are You Reading is a fun weekly meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey where we share what we've read and reviewed over the past week and what we plan to read next. 

It's been a fantastic week here in north Florida, weather-wise. Cooling off nicely, with days in the low 80s and gentle breezes, blue skies and warm sun. So, so lovely. Much nicer to run and walk in! 

Speaking of which, I've been managing to get in more time on my walks and run due to the cooler weather. It's been fun! I really enjoying it. 
Last Sunday - 12,008
Monday - 13,041
Tuesday - 9,000
Wednesday - 10,648
Thursday - 14,901
Friday - 14, 848
Saturday - 13,420

I reached my Goodreads Reading Challenge goal of 220 books for the year!!! #nerdlife

This Week's Recap

Coming Up*

Book Haul

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books To Read If You Liked....

Waiting On Wednesday

Book Review: Mai Tai'd Up by Alice Clayton

Book Review: Every Wrong Reason by Rachel Higginson

*terribly indecisive and subject to change

Read This Week

Quite possibly the stupidest book I've ever read. 
Love this series!

Funny, light hearted, cute romance. Love Alice Clayton's books. They're such quick reads!

I wish someone would write smut that didn't suck. Wait, wrong word..... 

Super short, but a fantastic addition to the series. I have no clue what's real and what's not in this! Is it mental illness? Paranormal? Possession?!

What. A. Whiny. Little. Bitch. 

Again with the bad smut. 

Currently Reading

I hate to say it, but this might be a DNF for me. 

Sigh. Spade can't come close to Bones, but he is so enjoyable. <3

Why must PNR and UF covers be so awful?

What Will I Read Next?

- The Bibliophile Babe