
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Top 10 Books On My Fall TBR

Hey, everyone!

It's time for The Broke and The Bookish's Top Ten Tuesday! This week's theme is Top Ten Books On Your Fall TBR, and I had serious fun ferreting out these 10 from my obscenely massive TBR pile. Some of these are upcoming releases, and some are books I just haven't gotten to yet.

In no real order except for number 1:

10. The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons

I've heard nothing but rave reviews about this one. I don't usually like or go for historicals, and it's third person POV (I have the hardest time sticking with it!), so it's not what I'd pick up of my own accord. However, I'll make an exception for this one! 

9. November 9 by Colleen Hoover

It's Colleen Hoover. Enough said. Plus, this summary!

Beloved #1 New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover returns with an unforgettable love story between a writer and his unexpected muse.

Fallon meets Ben, an aspiring novelist, the day of her scheduled cross-country move. Their untimely attraction leads them to spend Fallon’s last day in L.A. together, and her eventful life becomes the creative inspiration Ben has always sought for his novel. Over time and amidst the various relationships and tribulations of their own separate lives, they continue to meet on the same date every year. Until one day Fallon becomes unsure if Ben has been telling her the truth or fabricating a perfect reality for the sake of the ultimate plot twist.
This comes out in November. 

8. Charley Davidson 5-8 by Darynda Jones

I've read up to book 4, and I'm determined to finish!

7. Nuts by Alice Clayton

Alice Clayton never fails to make me laugh my ass off, and that title....!

6. A Stone In The Sea by A.L. Jackson

Rockstar romances generally aren't my cup of tea (I've yet to read one where the hero isn't an asshole. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind an asshole guy, but not an asshole guy. There's a difference), but the cover is pretty! ;)

5. Rule by Jay Crownover

Another one everyone seems to love!

4. The Opportunist by Tarryn Fisher

Really just anything by Tarryn Fisher. I've only read the novellas she wrote with Colleen Hoover, which are fantastic. She keeps popping up along side Karina Halle for my Goodreads suggestions, and y'all know I'm a KHalle fanatic. I'm so nervous to dive into it, though! Angst! Love triangle! Drama! Awful people!
Who am I kidding? Aside from the love triangle, that's the shit I live for. 

3. More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera

This book and I'll Give You The Sun blew up the book world earlier this year. More Happy Than Not seems more my speed, and I'm excited to get to it. 

2. Lux by Courtney Cole

Ahhhhh!!! Finally got an official release date of October 28th!! This is the third and final book in the Nocte trilogy, and it's been one of my favorites this year. A complete and utter mindfuck that traps you from start to finish. Maybe I'll do a reread of the first two soon and review them for you!

1. Menagerie by Rachel Vincent

I NEED THIS RIGHT NOW!!!! It releases in one week, and it's one of my most anticipated releases for 2015. I love Rachel Vincent's style!

What about you? What are you planning to read this fall?

- The Bibliophile Babe 


  1. Ooooo yes to Menagerie! I can't wait to read that one, I love Rachel Vincent too. She can be brutal to her characters so I feel like I need to have some chocolate on hand to make it through:)

  2. What is this Menagerie?! I'm going to find it on Goodreads now.

    November 9 - my absolute most anticipated book this year for sure. Can't wait!

    I'm going to try Bronze Horseman this fall, too! The length, tho...ugh.

    YES TO TARRYN FISHER. I can't express how awesome she is. And that series - one of my favorites of all time. I'm so glad to see it on your list!

  3. I would urge you to read #10,stat. Or perhaps, listen to it since it's such a ginormous book!

  4. November 9 is super high up there for me. I hadn't heard of that Alice Clayton one!!! I would love to get to the Opportunist too. Great list!

  5. Nuts sounds fantastic. I also really want to read More Happy Than Not sometime soon! I've heard good things.

  6. Nuts and Menagerie are ones I'm needing NOWWWW hahaha :D Can't wait!

  7. A Stone in The Sea and the Opportunist look good!

  8. So many awesome titles..I have November 9th on my wishlist!
