
Wednesday, September 23, 2015


W… W… W… Wednesday, hosted by Taking on a World of Worldsis a weekly meme showcasing what you just finished reading, what you are currently reading, and what you plan to start reading next.

What Did You Recently Finish?

5 stars! This series gets better and better. 

What Are You Currently Reading?

I'm listening to this one, and have finished just a little less than half. I'm not really feeling it. I've liked other K.A. Tucker books, and this is falling flat. I am so not a fan of insta-love. 

What Will You Read Next?

- The Bibliophile Babe 


  1. That's disappointing to hear about Ten Tiny Breaths. Can't wait to hear your final thoughts on it!

  2. I really want to read Ember in the Ashes soon. And Grayson's Vow. Can't wait to hear what you think!

  3. YEAH KATE DANIELS!!! I completely agree, that series just keeps getting better as it goes:) And I can't wait to see what you think of An Ember in the Ashes!

  4. I have got to read the last three in the Kate Daniels, listen to that is. I also have an audio of Ember in the Ashes that I need to listen to as well. I havent' read the Ten Tiny Breaths series, but I do like her other NA series.

  5. Hm... Ten Tiny doesn't sound promising for me. Behind on my Kate Daniels and need to catch up. Love that series.

  6. Oh I love Ten Tiny Breaths. And seriously, need to start reading Kate Daniels!
