
Friday, June 23, 2017

Cover Lust, No. 66

In Colleen Hoover’s gripping novel, reminiscent of the bestselling works of Liane Moriarty and Jojo Moyes, a young woman decides to reveal the dark secrets of her seemingly-happy family before she leaves them behind, but when her escape plan fails, she must deal with the staggering consequences of telling the truth.

I think this is my favorite CoHo cover!
The story also sounds different than her norm, and I'm curious to see where it goes. I'm not someone that loves every CoHo book just because she wrote it; confession time: I HATED It Ends With Us. As someone with a very similar background, I did not agree with the way children of abuse were portrayed at all, and the excuses for that one character...ugh. That said though, her stories are always absorbing! 

Thursday, June 22, 2017

TBR Thursday

Kimberly @ Kimberlyfaye Reads started a new weekly feature that I'm excited to join in! This feature is to showcase what's on your to be read shelf (or eReader, or Audible library) and see what others think of it. Have you read it? Should I read it or put it back on the shelf? It's a way to dust off the books on your self and decide if they're worth reading!

Her heart races, her muscles coil, and every impulse in Alessa's body screams at her to run... but yet she's powerless to move.

Still struggling to find her footing after the sudden death of her parents, the last thing college freshman Alessa has the strength to deal with is the inexplicable visceral pull drawing her to a handsome ghostly presence. In between grappling with exams and sorority soirees - and disturbing recurring dreams of being captive in a futuristic prison hell - Alessa is determined to unravel the mystery of the apparition who leaves her breathless. But the terrifying secret she uncovers will find her groping desperately through her nightmares for answers.

Because what Alessa hasn't figured out yet is that she's not really a student, the object of her obsession is no ghost, and her sneaking suspicions that something sinister is lurking behind the walls of her university's idyllic campus are only just scratching the surface...

The opening installment in a twist-laden trilogy, Stitch spans the genres of paranormal romance and dystopian sci-fi to explore the challenges of a society in transition, where morality, vision, and pragmatism collide leaving the average citizen to suffer the results.

This sounds like a fun, slightly trashy and fast paced read, which is what I'm looking for right now.
Have any of you ladies read it?

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine and is a fun way to see what books other bloggers just can't wait to get their hands on!   

August 22nd, 2017

A magically inspiring tale of a man who is reincarnated through many lifetimes so that he can be with his one true love: Death herself.

What if you could live forever—but without your one true love? Reincarnation Blues is the story of a man who has been reincarnated nearly 10,000 times, in search of the secret to immortality so that he can be with his beloved, the incarnation of Death. Neil Gaiman meets Kurt Vonnegut in this darkly whimsical, hilariously profound, and wildly imaginative comedy of the secrets of life and love. Transporting us from ancient India to outer space to Renaissance Italy to the present day, is a journey through time, space, and the human heart.

This isn't my normal thing, but I'm really intrigued! Reincarnation fascinates me and I'm curious to see where this book takes it.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: Series I've Been Meaning to Start

Hey guys!

It's Top Ten Tuesday by The Broke and The Bookish! This week's topic is series you've been meaning to start. I could go on and on with this one, so let's jump right in!

10. Under the Never Sky

9. The Forsaken

8. Beautiful Bastard

7. The Hollows

6. Darklight

5. The Illuminae Files

4. Sins

3. Seven

2. Manwhore

1. The Iron Fey

Monday, June 19, 2017

Monday Musts, No. 3

Hey guys!

I saw Monday Musts over at Kimberly Faye Reads (originally done by Lovin' los libros) and thought it looked perfect for my lazy self like a lot of fun! All you have to do is share your Must Read, Must Listen and Must Watch for the week.

Must Read

This was such an amazing read! 5 stars and quickly earned a spot on my "Best of 2017" shelf. The narration was spot on, and I honestly think I prefer this series to Kate Daniels. 

Must Listen

The music to this song is so gorgeous. 

Must Watch

Working my way through season 1 of Supernatural, and it's been the only show I've watched lately where I can watch episodes back to back without getting twitchy. Normally I'm too ADD to binge watch. ;)
Feel free to suggest any Netflix shows! I'm open to most anything, but my favorite shows so far have been this one, How I Met Your Mother, and The 100. 


Sunday, June 18, 2017

The Sunday Post/It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

Hey, ladies!

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. It's Monday, What Are You Reading is a fun weekly meme hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date where we share what we've read and reviewed over the past week and what we plan to read next.

This was a very low-key work week! I did so much binge watching of Supernatural, it was ridiculous. That show is crack-like with how addictive it is. Between that, The 100, and How I Met Your Mother, I'm feeling very dorky lately.

It's officially too hot to be outside, unless it's early morning or night. The humidity is so high it feels like drowning if you take a deep breath, and the blast of heat that comes from opening any outside door is insane. This is the time of year I really, really hate Florida.
The one upside to that it's now officially blueberry season here! Fresh, local berries are my favorite, and I've been eating blueberry-everything the past couple days. So delicious.



Sunday - 13,044
Monday - 14,492
Tuesday - 12,140
Wednesday - 12,495
Thursday - 7,177
Friday - 11,297
Saturday - 10,223

Total - 80,868

This Week's Recap

Coming Up

Mini Reviews Monday

Top Ten Tuesday: Series I've Been Meaning to Start

Waiting on Wednesday

TBR Thursday

Cover Lust, No. 66

Read This Week

4 stars!
I want to read some of her recent releases, so figured I'd re-familiarize  myself with her writing style (aka, kinky AF).

5 stars!

Currently Reading

What Will I Read Next?


Friday, June 16, 2017

This or That Tag

Hey guys!

I saw Grace over at Rebel Mommy Book Blog do the This or That tag (originally created by Ayunda @ Tea and Paperbacks), and thought it looks like a lot of fun, so let's jump right in.

Reading on the couch or in bed?

Bed. I'm not a huge fan of reading on the couch (mostly because my couch isn't that comfortable), and most of my daytime reading is done via audiobook.

Main male character or main female character? 

Female, but only because I think a lot of writers, especially in the contemporary romance genre, don't do a male POV justice at all.
I really enjoy a well done dual POV, too! All these are fantastic.

Sweet or salty snacks while reading?

I really like fruit while reading, and also pretzels and hummus, and cheerios, and toast, and really I just like to eat. ;) So both!

Trilogies or Quartets?


First person POV or third person POV?

First, always first! I cannot stand third person at all.

Books that make you laugh or books that make you cry?

So...confession time: I don't usually cry during books. It takes something really horrible to make me cry while reading (or anything happening to a dog, because that's instant tears that won't quit), and at that point I just don't enjoy it. 
I much prefer laughing, perhaps with a little swoony tears mixed in.

Reading at night or reading in the morning?

I don't like doing anything in the morning, so...night!

Libraries or bookstores?

Used bookstores! I really like nice libraries too, but the one here makes me feel like I'm going to catch something if I touch anything. 

Black book covers or white book covers?

I like both, but my eyes are more drawn to colorful covers than black or white. Going by my bookcase though, I have a lot more black.

Character driven or plot driven books?

Character, hands down. Obviously both are ideal, but I don't care how great the plot is if the character sucks.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

TBR Thursday

Kimberly @ Kimberlyfaye Reads started a new weekly feature that I'm excited to join in! This feature is to showcase what's on your to be read shelf (or eReader, or Audible library) and see what others think of it. Have you read it? Should I read it or put it back on the shelf? It's a way to dust off the books on your self and decide if they're worth reading!

Notorious Nora Sutherlin is famous for her delicious works of erotica, each one more popular with readers than the last. But her latest manuscript is different—more serious, more personal—and she's sure it'll be her breakout book... if it ever sees the light of day.

Zachary Easton holds Nora's fate in his well-manicured hands. The demanding British editor agrees to handle the book on one condition: he wants complete control. Nora must rewrite the entire novel to his exacting standards—in six weeks—or it's no deal.

Nora's grueling writing sessions with Zach are draining... and shockingly arousing. And a dangerous former lover has her wondering which is more torturous—staying away from him... or returning to his bed?

Nora thought she knew everything about being pushed to your limits. But in a world where passion is pain, nothing is ever that simple.

Because I'm in a smutty mood, I'm considering pulling this one off the shelf. The thing is, I'm kinda a snob when it comes to BDSM reads, so how is this one?

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine and is a fun way to see what books other bloggers just can't wait to get their hands on!   

August 14th

Logan St. James is a smoldering, sexy beast. Sure, he can be a little broody at times—but Ellie Hammond’s willing to overlook that. Because, have you seen him?? 

Sexy. As. Hell. 

And Ellie’s perky enough for both of them.

For years, she’s had a crush on the intense, gorgeous royal security guard—but she doesn’t think he ever saw her, not really. 

To Logan, Ellie was just part of the job—a relative of the royal family he’d sworn to protect. Now, at 22 years old and fresh out of college, she’s determined to put aside her X-rated dreams of pat-downs and pillow talk, and find a real life happily ever after. 

The Queen of Wessco encourages Ellie to follow in her sister’s footsteps and settle down with a prince of her own. Or a duke, a marquis…a viscount would also do nicely. 

But in the pursuit of a fairy tale ending, Ellie learns that the sweetest crushes can be the hardest to let go.
Logan St. James grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, in a family on the wrong side of the law. But these days, he covers his tattoos and scars with a respectable suit. He’s handsome, loyal, brave, skilled with his hands and…other body parts. 

Any woman would be proud to call him hers. 

But there’s only one woman he wants. 

For years he’s watched over her, protected her, held her hair back when she was sick, taught her how to throw a punch, and spot a liar.

He dreams of her. Would lay down his life for her. 

But beautiful Ellie Hammond’s off-limits. 

Everybody knows the bodyguard rules: Never lose focus, never let them out of your sight, and never, ever fall in love.

Emma Chase is just a really fun author, and I'm excited to get back into these royals' minds.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: Book Dads

Hey guys!

It's Top Ten Tuesday by The Broke and The Bookish! Since Father's Day is this weekend, this week's topic is all about bookish fathers. Unfortunately, there's a serious lack of good parents in books. Like, I struggled to gather these books that have halfway decent fathers and father figures.. ;) I will say that it was much, much easier to find good fathers than it was to find good mothers.
That said, let's jump right in!

This was stupidly adorable.

Jake was ridiculously swoony


Monday, June 12, 2017

Monday Musts, No. 2

Hey guys!

I saw Monday Musts over at Kimberly Faye Reads (originally done by Lovin' los libros) and thought it looked perfect for my lazy self like a lot of fun! All you have to do is share your Must Read, Must Listen and Must Watch for the week.

Must Read

I still have a few hours left of this audiobook, but it is so amazing that I don't want it to end. Action, humor, family,'s perfect. 
Also, Rogan is my newest book boyfriend. Is it wrong to swoon when he threatened to kill anyone that disturbed the heroine's sleep? #RelationshipGoals
The narration is perfect, as per usual. 

Must Listen

I've been on a big soft/acoustic kick lately. 

Must Watch's just as addictive as people said it was. I haven't watched every episode (honestly, I fail at binge watching - skipping episodes and bouncing around is my thing), but I can't stop watching. Can't wait for the next season!
Also, I've never been a "shipper" of anything and I can't stand that term, but I'd make an exception for Bellamy and Clarke. Oh my god, I love them; Bellamy especially breaks my heart. I kinda watch the show just for their little moments. 


Sunday, June 11, 2017

The Sunday Post/It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

Hey guys!

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. It's Monday, What Are You Reading is a fun weekly meme hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date where we share what we've read and reviewed over the past week and what we plan to read next.

This week was absolutely insane with work, and just really busy overall. It was another working vacation at the beach, which made it a bit less stressful. ;) There wasn't any time for reading though, which is really the only downside. When I wasn't working, I was exploring the beach town or attempting to sleep (insomnia has been a bitch lately).
While tourists are great from a money standpoint, I'll be so glad when they stop congesting the area so much.


Sunday - 15,442
Monday - 10,311
Tuesday - 16,447
Wednesday - 14,942
Thursday - 17,442
Friday - 14,645
Saturday - 6,158

Total - 95,387

This Week's Recap

Coming Up

Monday Musts, No. 2

Top Ten Tuesday: Father's Day Freebie

Waiting on Wednesday

TBR Thursday

Cover Lust, No. 66

Read This Week


Currently Reading

What Will I Read Next?

