
Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Sunday Post/It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

Hey, everyone!

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. It's Monday, What Are You Reading is a fun weekly meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey where we share what we've read and reviewed over the past week and what we plan to read next. 

Florida has decided to have one last hoorah, and remind us all that yes, it can still be hotter than Satan's scrotum in October. The brisk mornings and evenings with glorious afternoons have been replaced with sweltering heat and enough humidity to make it feel like you're drowning. Oh well, it's suppose to cool back down soon! 

Aside from that unpleasant little heat wave, I love this time of year! The Halloween decorations got put up the other day, and I can't wait to get pumpkins. It's such an invigorating time of year, I can't explain it! The lighting is softening, making me itch to constantly have my camera in hand. 

My baby-dog, Nola, turned 5 years old this week. That doesn't seem possible!

See what I mean about that light?

I've been working at getting in 5 miles of walking and running each morning, and yoga every day. I'm finally at the point where I like running (when it's not blazing hot)! I'm definitely not ready to do any kind of 5k race or anything like that, but I'm finally enjoying it. I love the way my body feels and looks, I love the rhythm of one foot after the other, and I adore the ecstatic, loose-limbed feel when I start a cool down walk. Is that a runner's high, because it's epic. 

Steps this week:

Sunday - 19,649
Monday - 20,346
Tuesday -17,390
Wednesday - 14,020
Thursday - 18,432
Friday - 11,206
Saturday - 19,565

Total - 120,608

The downside of that increased activity is my appetite is through the freaking roof. I'm constantly hungry, eating every hour or so, and still barely managing to hold 114lbs. Food. All. The. Food. 

It felt like Christmas came in October when I stumbled across Jeaniene's Frost outtakes from Destined For An Early Grave (click that to go and read, because it's incredible!)! And she'll have an anthology of all her outtakes in the series towards the end of the year?! Why does no one tell me these things?! :p

I'm enjoying being finished with my Goodreads Reading Challenge. The relief of having no deadline to meet has allowed me to slow down a bit, and go back and reread or skim old favorites. It's fun to relive that again!

This Week's Recap

Coming Up*

Confessions of a Book Addict

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Authors I'd LOVE to See Collaborate 

Waiting on Wednesday OR W W W Wednesday

Book Review: Sweet Filthy Boy by Christina Lauren

Book Shelf Tour!

*as always, subject to moody ADD changes

Read This Week

Audiobook. 4 stars, audio performance 5 stars.
I love the Ritchie twins, and I freaking love this serious. Highly recommend it, though fair warning: it's heartbreaking and you will ache for what the characters go through. 

4.5 stars! 

3 stars.
HA! I finished it! Started it as an audiobook, and came *this close* to shelving it as a DNF. I grabbed my physical copy to give it one last go, and finished the remaining half of the book in a night. I'm not sure how I feel on this one, though it made me cry enough to give me a headache!

Currently Reading

This is an audiobook, and I'm enjoying it on my morning runs/walks each day. Lighthearted, sexy, fun!

Not too far into this, but I like it so far!

It's Kate Daniels. Enough said. 

What Will I Read Next?

I picked this up back in April during a horrible reading slump, and quit at the halfway point. Going to pick it back up and try again!

Reading a K.A. Tucker book always makes me want to pick up another of hers. 

I've read one other by this author and wasn't hugely impressed, but this is getting rave reviews!

Another I've heard good things about! Plus, that cover....damn. 

- The Bibliophile Babe


  1. 5 miles every day?! That's amazing! I am lucky to have enough time for 3 miles a day, and try to get one long run in on the weekends. I'm impressed!! You are definitely ready for a 5K! And your step count is very impressive.

    I hope the weather cools off for you soon. I love the cooler temps - definitely better for running!

    Enjoy your week!

  2. Wow, that's a lot of running. that's good that you are starting to really enjoy it though! I wish I liked running, but alas, not for me. haha

    Looks like you have some good books coming up. And your dog is soo cute.


  3. Oh God. That bearded man, though. I want him. Lol. Will be on the lookout for your review on that book. See if he's worth checking out. :)

  4. Nola is so freaking cute!!!
    The Addicted series is phenomenal!
    K.A. Tucker is amazing. I love her Burying Water series. TBH, Chasing River is my least favorite. My faves have to be Surviving Ice and Becoming Rain. Both are battling for first place haha

  5. I must try Ilona Andrews. Every time I see that cover, I want. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental My Sunday Memes

  6. Wow! Well done on the exercise. I need some of your enthusiasm and commitment! And those pics of Nola...? So cute!
