
Sunday, April 17, 2016

The Sunday Post/It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

Hey, everyone!

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. It's Monday, What Are You Reading is a fun weekly meme hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date where we share what we've read and reviewed over the past week and what we plan to read next. 

It's been a laid-back week work wise (only worked this weekend!), which has resulted in some fun little outings like the bay/beach, a little cafe, and the park. Despite the near constant drizzle, it was lovely! 

This face! <3 Love her.

In other, very exciting news...there's something HUGE planned for the fall and winter of this year. Huge. It's one of my biggest dreams, and I'm so damn thrilled, anxious, excited, crazy to get to it. From early October of 2016 to early January of 2017, I will be in Europe! Traveling Italy, France, Scotland, and possibly Ireland, Spain, England, Belgium, Portugal and Switzerland. I'm not really one for a set itinerary, so those last six are mostly up in the air at this point. We'll see!

There is a lot of planning involved, as you can imagine, especially because that pup up there is coming with me (my main blog and part time job is dog blogging, and she's vital to keeping my anxiety levels manageable). I'm excited for it, though! I'll probably share updates every so often on here for anyone who's curious. :)

Steps this week:

Sunday - 15,643
Monday - 18,715
Tuesday - 11,000
Wednesday - 12,259
Thursday - 13,781
Friday - 15,239
Saturday - 17,264

Total - 103,901

This Week's Recap

Coming Up*

{Mini Book Review} A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books That Will Make You Laugh

Waiting on Wednesday

TBR Thursday

Cover Lust, No. 21
*as always, subject to change!

Read This Week

Bit of a slow week this week!
5 stars!
A very satisfying addition to a favorite series. I can't wait for the next one!

4.5 stars!
Emma Chase is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. Loved it!

Currently Reading

About 30% in and kinda ambiguous so far. Not bad, just not wowed.  

What Will I Read Next?

I will get to this, I will!

May just try the audio of this!


  1. Wow, that is so awesome!!! What an incredible opportunity!

  2. Wow what fun news!! Europe is amazing. Love the pictures looks peaceful. So excited to get to Appealed. Have a great week!

  3. That's so great, Amanda! Looking forward to great pictures of places, people and food. YES. FOOD. :)

  4. That's so awesome you'll be traveling around Europe! I'm vising England for the first time in September, but only for about a week. I'm so pumped though. Your dog is super cute! i'd love to have updates about your trip on here.


  5. That sounds like a trip and a half!! Plus it is great that your adorable dog gets to go too!!

  6. Ooo your trip sounds need to blog the excited for you!!! Oh YES...listen to Written in addictive :) Have an awesome week. Ooo I have Written in Red on Audio..I can do that lend thing they have..just email me your email address for Audio. Unless you have already accepted a free book from someone.

  7. Such lovely photos, Amanda! Wow, Europe! Looking forward to your updates. I hope you’ll have a great time.

    I am considering Stuck-up Suit, I’ll check out your review.
