
Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Sunday Post/It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

Hey, ladies!

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. It's Monday, What Are You Reading is a fun weekly meme hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date where we share what we've read and reviewed over the past week and what we plan to read next. 

This was a relatively laid-back week, albeit hot as Satan's balls and humid enough to drown you where you stand! It's also been raining (well, more like a monsoon) this week, so my steps are lower than I'd like.

I've officially read more books this week than I did for all of July. :p

Steps this week:

Sunday - 9,995
Mondau - 12,778
Tuesday - 10,280
Wednesday - 17,836
Thursday - 10,966
Friday - 12,968
Saturday - 13,290

Total - 88,113

This Week's Recap

Coming Up

Olympic Book Tag

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books with X Setting 

Waiting on Wednesday 

TBR Thursday

Cover Lust, No. 35

Read This Week

3 stars!
Still not sure how I feel about this. Definitely not my favorite CoHo.
2 stars!
Ridiculous smut.
4 stars!
I love a good mafia-type romance. And THIS is how you do a bad boy. a bad boy.....

1.5 stars.
This was so weird. They weren't actually cousins, so that's the only reason I tried this rather well rated short story. 
3 stars!
Dirty and rather interesting. 
3 stars!
I really don't think this author is for me. Every single one of the three heroines of hers I've read has made me want to strangle them. The hero was a doormat, too. Only redeeming qualities were the dog and the best friend.

4 stars!
This deals with the same subject as It Ends With Us, and I can't believe I'm saying this,  but I prefer how this author handled it and her heroine. Took a star off because there was a little too much sex (or maybe that's just because I read a lot of smut this week), but otherwise I was pleasantly surprised. Cliffhanger, though!

3 stars!
This had such a good premise, but fell rather flat with surface-level characters and a few pointless drama moments. Still, quick read!

Currently Reading 

Not a huge fan of the male narrator, but so far so good!

Only around 35% into this, but oh my god it is so good! I'm a sucker for rockstars. :D

What Will I Read Next?

Everyone's raving about this, so I may have to dive in!
Can't wait for this! Releases Tuesday!


  1. Wow you definitely read a lot this week!!! Sorry the latest CoHo wasn't for you!!

  2. You read so much! So jealous. I've been such a total slacker this week. Not looking forward to reading that new CoHo. Ack.

    Happy reading, Amanda!

  3. I hope you enjoy Bossman. That one was such a pleasant surprise to me! I'm sorry you didn't love the new CoHo.
    The humidity around here is killer!! I have loved the summer, but I'm sorta ready for fall now.
