
Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Sunday Post/It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

Hey, ladies!

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. It's Monday, What Are You Reading is a fun weekly meme hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date where we share what we've read and reviewed over the past week and what we plan to read next. 

Another pretty quiet week, with one exception: I did a radio interview last Sunday! It was a deeper look into an article I wrote on my other blog, and that post exploded into thousands of shares and that interview. I was sick with nerves, but it went quite well. :)

The humidity this week has been brutal. It feels like you're drowning where you stand! August is the most brutal summer month in Florida, I think.

I reached the 100 (actually 102 now) mark on my Goodreads challenge this week! 30 more to go! Well, 28 now. ;)

Sunday - 11,289
Monday - 12,291
Tuesday - 12,519
Wednesday - 14,402
Thursday - 13,624
Friday - 13,155
Saturday - 11,742

Total - 89,022

This Week's Recap

Coming Up


Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books That Have Been on My TBR Since Before I Started Blogging...and are still there

Waiting on Wednesday 

{Book Review} The Veil by Chloe Neill

Cover Lust, No. 36

Read This Week

3 stars!
I was pleasantly surprised with this BDSM erotic romance. There was a lot more substance and story than one would expect!
5 stars!
My new favorite rocker romance, and the latest addition to my "Best of 2016" list!

3 stars!
Again, a surprisingly deep read for the genre and subject matter.

4 stars!
I sort of guessed the twist, and the hero's behavior towards the end bothered me, but otherwise this was a great read. Fun, sexy, flirty, had some depth, and was quick and easy. This is definitely the author's best work to date.

4...I think... stars!
I'm really torn on this one. The whole Dani thing still gives me major creeps, because I have a sister Dani's age and it makes me skin crawl to picture her in that light. On the fence about Jada. Don't like Ryodan. LOVE Lor! Super Spy Mac was great, and I still love Barrons.
Audiobook. Fantastic narration!

3.5 stars!
Definitely not up to snuff with the first one, but still enjoyable and action packed, especially for young adult.

Currently Reading

Almost finished with this, and I really like it!

About 45% in, and unimpressed. Very flat characters and I kinda want to stab the heroine. 

What Will I Read Next?



  1. OH wow that is awesome about the interview and that your blog post went all viral. Congrats! Hope you have a great week!!

  2. Congratulations on the successful interview!! That's awesome!

  3. That's exciting about the interview! I'm glad it went well.


  4. I hope you love the Veil. So cool about the there a podcast of it? Congrats!!
