Monday, June 20, 2016

Suggest Me Some Books!

Hey, everyone!

This week is going to be extremely busy; I'm flying out to Phoenix for a four day conference on Wednesday, and returning back home to Florida on Sunday. I won't be getting too much reading done this week, but I do need something to read on the flights there and back, including a long layover in Houston on the way home!

Random photo of what it's like trying to pack with a dog. 

So...give me some suggestions! I have a few new books and a new audiobook ready to go, but I'd like a few more to choose from. Something contemporary, or maybe paranormal. Or perhaps urban fantasy, or a not-too-confusingly-convolted fantasy. First person, addictive, and preferably funny!



  1. My mind went blank, but I'll comment later if I remember one haha. Cute dog!!

  2. Pucked Over was pretty funny. I liked that one the best of all the books in the series and it only took me a day or so to read. :D

  3. Have you read Everything I Left Unsaid by Molly O' Keefe? I really enjoyed the books. Check them out if you haven't.

  4. I just finished Heart Shaped Hack and that was cute and quick!

  5. I just finished and loved Into the Light on audio!
