Hey, ladies!
It's that time of the week! ;) Today is
The Broke and The Bookish's Top Ten Tuesday. This week's theme is Top Ten New-to-Me Favorite Authors I Read For The First Time in 2015. I've had the most incredible reading year for 2015, and had a hell of a time narrowing it down to ten. Let's get to it!
For the first time ever, this is mostly in order. 5 through 2 are interchangeable! And switch 8 with 9. Okay, they're only kind of in order.
I couldn't narrow it down to 10, so here's 12!
12. Mia Sheridan
Archer's Voice, Kyland, Stinger, and Grayson's Vow, among others.
I have a love/hate relationship with Sheridan's writing. Sometimes it's exactly the emotional, beautiful love story I want, and other times it's an angst fest I can't finish. She consistently has an addictive, flowing style of writing, and Archer's Voice has been one of my favorite books this year. |
11. Ilona Andrews
Kate Daniels series, The Edge series, and others.
It's Kate Daniels. Enough said.
Okay, in all seriousness now: Kate is one of my most favorite, kick ass heroines of all time! After the first book (which was admittedly a bit rough), I was completely sucked into the series, and read 8 released books in little more than a week. The world building is fascinating, with a well developed cast of side characters. The action is nail biting, and the chemistry off the charts.
And we can't forget Curran now, can we....rawr. See what I did there? |
10. T.M. Frazier
King series and The Dark Light of Day series
T.M. Frazier is a newer one for me, and one I constantly flop around with while reading. My general thought process while reading one of her books is:
Book addict: This is everything I thought I didn't like, but I can't stop reading.
Logic: Come on, this is ridiculous!
Book addict: Did anyone ask you?! Go away so I can keep reading.
Logic: This guy is the biggest asshole!
Book addict: I don't care!
Book addict & a very reluctant Logic: Okay, that was seriously hot.
Logic: But this relationship is toxic!
Book addict: I don't care!
Logic: That is beyond unrealistic.
Book addict: It could happen!
Logic: This is so, so wrong....
Book addict: GIVE ME MORE!!!!!
Her novels are addictive, dark, fast paced, and seriously sexy, with a dash of stupefied skepticism thrown in for good measure. |
9. Karen Marie Moning
Fever series, Highlander series
Because Barrons, and incredible world building, to die for character development, crack-like addictiveness (I read this book, 600 page Shadowfever, in a day), and plenty of mystery and action.
But mostly because Barrons.
Gimme gimme. |
8. Aly Martinez
The Fall Up, On The Ropes series, Wrecked and Ruined series
One of my favorite contemporary authors! Aly Martinez writes some of the most amazing book boyfriends I've ever had the pleasure of coming across (ha...ha!). Add in her intensely-emotional-but-not-choke-you-angst feels, fast pace and amazing side characters and you have one hell of a new adult novel. The Fall Up and Fighting Silence will be on my "Best Contemporaries of 2015" list. |
7. Christina Lauren
Beautiful Bastard series, Wild Seasons series, The House, and others.
I will forever worship this writing duo simply for brining my travel/foreign boy fantasy to life with such flair. If you want a light, ridiculously funny and sexy romance, I highly suggest reaching for one of these bad boys.
6. Rachel Vincent
The Stars Never duology, Menagerie trilogy, Soul Screamers series, Shifters series, and others.
Few authors can evoke such intense physical responses for me like Rachel Vincent can. I have laughed out loud, ugly cried, felt nauseous (Menagerie is a tough - but wildly engaging and beautiful!- read), and slung a book so hard across a room that it knocked a picture frame down (three words: I hate Jace).
I think she is a gifted author who writes some of the most entertaining books ever, but her favor of love triangles annoys the ever loving shit out of me. Thankfully they seem to be absent in her more recent releases, but that Shifters series infuriated me. I can fully admit to not minding the love triangle in Soul Screamers (I actually thought it was well done and believable), but that's as far as I'll go.
I can't say enough good things about Menagerie and The Stars Never Rise! |
5. Alice Clayton
Cocktail series, Redhead series and Nuts.
My go-to for hilarious and sexy contemporaries! These are lightning quick books; I don't think there's been a Clayton book that's taken me more than a day or two finish. You can always count on off the charts chemistry, humor in spades, and plenty of steamy sex. |
4. Jeaniene Frost
Night Huntress series, Night Prince series, and others.
My all time favorite paranormal romance author and HolyBatBallsCanYouBelieveWe'reGettingTheGravesOuttakesBookThisMonth?!?!!
(insert epic fangirling)
Ehhm. Sorry about that. The Night Huntress series is one favorites ever, and one of the only series I've reread on more than one occasion. Action, fantastic cast of characters, humor, sexy fun, and Bones. What's not to love? Bones...sigh. I love that vamp. |
3. Colleen Hoover
Slammed trilogy, Ugly Love, Maybe Someday, November 9, Never Never novellas (with Tarryn Fisher), and others.
No one writes quite like Hoover. Even if I don't love the plot of the book (Hopeless, Maybe Someday), I'm still completely sucked in to the story and finish in less than two days. Her writing style ensnares you, and I can't help but love it. She does know how to write a book boyfriend, too. ;) |
2. L.H. Cosway
Hearts series, Painted Faces, The Hooker and The Hermit (with Penny Reid), and others.
I think Cosway's writing may just be more addicted than Colleen Hoovers! I love the fact that her books contain the potential for series emotional happenings, but she never falls into the oh-so-popular angst fest pool. Her writing style flows effortlessly, there's tons of humor and plenty of sex, and it is incredibly easy to sink into the characters' heads. |
1. Karina Halle
Love In English, Dirty Angels trilogy, Experiment in Terror series, Sins & Needles trilogy, The Play, Racing The Sun, and others.
Hands down, my favorite author. I love everything about her writing, characters, plots, ect. In 30 odd books, I've only disliked one. She writes my ultimate book boyfriends, keeps me on the edge of my seat, and unfailingly sucks me into the books' worlds.
You think you've found your ultimate book boyfriend? Wait until you meet Dex Foray. |
- The Bibliophile Babe
So many great ones here. Love CoHo and Alice Clayton. I still need to read Karina Hale and Mia Sheridan. Intrigued by TM Frazier. Great list!
ReplyDeleteI love your list! LH Cosway made my list as well! Six of Hearts is a favorite of mine! She writes characters I want to hang out with! I have several Karina Halle books waiting on my kindle. I have several Mia Sheridan books as well!
ReplyDeleteAnd I think my logic and my book addict mind had the SAME conversation about TM Frazier's book (King/Tyrant). But, you better believe I grabbed Lawless on release day! My TTT
Love your list. I couldn't agree more with your take on Mia Sheridan!
ReplyDeleteYou really discovered some wonderful authors this past year. Many of your new finds are authors I read and trust.
ReplyDeleteNow I have some authors to check out. I've only read Colleen Hoover.
ReplyDeleteMy TTT:Marie @ Pages to Explore
I can't say as I recall reading any of the authors on your Top Ten Tuesday post this week, so I have some new to me authors to check out for sure.
ReplyDeleteHere's a link to my TTT post for the week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2015/12/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten-new-to-me.html
I'm with you on a ton of these, but haven't tried a few *whistles* I need to get around to Six of Hearts. I was eye balling it just last night
ReplyDeleteGreat list- so many authors/books on here that I want check out. I just added The Fall Up to my wish list; meant to do that awhile ago!
ReplyDeletei still need to read all of these authors! My TTT
ReplyDeleteSo many good authors..and series!! This is a great list :)
ReplyDeleteOhh so many authors to consider! LH Cosway is one.